Dining at the Old School House

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We had a nice turnout for our final walk of the year. This is half of those who walked. Great weather, no wind and lots of interesting conversations!
The Creative Cooking Group enjoyed their holiday lunch at the Brantford Golf Club. While we missed a few members due to seasonal flu, we were happy to not be cooking, to enjoy the beautiful scenery over the Grand River, and to have a Cookie Exchange. It was a lovely afternoon.
Last evening 30 plus members of CFUW Brantford met for a wonderful evening of Christmas cheer. It felt so good to congregate together with friends and enjoy a delectable spread of hors d’oeuvres and desserts.
The CFUW Brantford General Meeting Program on November 23, 2022 featured Hannah Blackburn, Police Officer with Brantford Police Service, and Shelly Prendergast, a Victim Support Worker with Victim Services of Brant. Their topic was Human Trafficking, a serious and disturbing fact of life in Canada today, including Brantford and Brant County. The target is mostly girls, many of whom are very young, and women. The audience was very attentive to the PowerPoint presentation and had several questions afterwards. The dedication and commitment of the presenters to this grisly topic is to be admired as they work to gain the trust of affected persons and their families, to refer them to community agencies that can help and to educate the public.
The Thursday Night Book Club discussed The Narrow Door by Joanne Harris. The author (most acclaimed for her
work Chocolat) has written this psychological thriller as a dialogue between Roy Straightly, elderly Latin Master,
and Miss Buckfast, new head mistress of the school .Through this dialogue, the author explores the idea that the
past controls what we do, shapes who we are and cannot be hidden away from forever. The predominant themes
of gender, memory and trauma and the clash between old and new were discussed in the context of women
entering a man’s professional world. “Men walk in through the main gates. Women have to improvise. All we need
is a narrow door.”