All posts by MJS

CFUW Brantford Annual General Meeting, Wednesday, May 28 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at Thorpe’s Carriage House.

Join us for our Annual Meeting where we will elect officers and pass a budget for next year. Anita Buehner from Bonnieheath Estate Lavender and Winery ( is our featured speaker. She will share her journey from tobacco farmer to growing lavender and producing wine. Anita will be bringing some of her products for sale.

CFUW Annual Banquet, April 23, 2014

What a glorious evening! The venue, Northridge Golf Club, was lovely. The beautiful golf course was visible through the wide expanse of windows surrounding us. The meal, catered by White Rabbit Catering, was delicious…no one left hungry, for sure.Our speaker, The Honourable Dave Levac, gave us a history lesson while talking about A Day in the Life of the Speaker of the House. He came in full dress regalia and charmed us with his wonderful manner and the interesting topic. More than half of the membership attended, sharing food and drink and great conversation. It was a wonderful celebration of a marvelous year with CFUW Brantford! Many thanks to the organizers of the evening, Brenda, Diane, Marg S. and Margaret L.

Upcoming meetings

April 23
CFUW Annual Banquet
Guest Speaker:   A Day in the Life of the Speaker of the House.,
            Hon. Dave Levac,  MPP, Brant
Married and father of three, the Honourable Dave Levac started his career as a teacher and retired as a Principal. In 1999, Dave was elected to the Ontario Legislature as a Liberal MPP from Brant. Re-elected in 2003, Dave was named Party Whip. On November 21, 2011, Dave was elected Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, an apolitical role. Dave will be our Guest Speaker at our annual banquet on April 23.  His topic will be “A Day in the Life of the Speaker of the House.” 
Location: Northridge Golf Club, 320 Balmoral Drive, Brantford.
May  28
Annual General Meeting
Bonnieheath Estate Lavender and Winery, Anita Buehner, Farmer
A journey from tobacco to wine and lavender, a commitment to lifelong learning. Anita will be bringing products for sale.
For more information visit:

Location: Thorpe’s Carriage House, 96 West Street, Brantford.

March meeting

Our General Meeting in March was held at the Police Station on March 26, 2014. Many members attended, listening to the presentation on Domestic Violence in Canada. Constable Basia Hasham, High School Resource Officer, Brantford Police Force, was our guest speaker. It was wonderful that she was able to step in when Laura Collier had to cancel due to illness.
In our business meeting we started tackling planning for the coming year. Membership Renewal Forms were handed out (please renew by May 1).  Tickets are still available for the Banquet at Northridge Golf Club on April 23, 2014.


Brantford meetings

March General Meeting

March 26, 2014
Location: Brantford Police Station, Community Room 344 Elgin Street, Brantford
Speaker: Constable Laura Collier, Crime Prevention Officer, Brantford Police Department
Laura will provide us with an overview of criminal activity in Brantford and Brant County.