Category Archives: Brantford news

Want to join?

Membership is open to women who support the goals of CFUW .

Purposes of CFUW Brantford

  1. Promote opportunities for collaboration and friendship among members.
  2. Promote high standards of public education in Canada, advanced study and research by women and the pursuit of lifelong learning.
  3. Provide scholarship awards in accordance with the CFUW Brantford Scholarship Fund Constitution .
  4. Advocate for the advancement of the status of women, human rights and the common good, locally, nationally and internationally in alignment with CFUW National and IFUW.
  5. Promote cooperation, networking, support and understanding among women.
  6. Encourage women in all aspects of the political, social, cultural, educational and scientific fields and in service to the community.

All new members welcome! Feel free to attend one of our monthly meetings to learn more about our organization and to socialize with our members.

The annual fee is $110.00, which includes a $10 donation to the scholarship fund. Memberships run from May through April.

For further information or to be contacted please use this contact form:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    CFUW Programs 2014-2015 — Meetings at Thorpe Carriage House, 96 West Street, Brantford 7:30 p.m.

    September 24, 2014:

    Roles and Relationships of Haudenosaunee Women, Janice Longboat
    Janice is a teacher, herbalist and mother of the Mohawk Turtle Clan People whose work focuses on the power of the good mind and the truth and reconciliation process in Canada and the United States.
    Join us for Welcome Back Appetizers 6:30 p.m.
    October 22, 2014:

    The Power of the Pen, Elaine Charal
    Elaine Charal, entertainer extraordinaire will regale us with her “Power of the Pen” presentation. Through her entertaining and intriguing handwriting analysis, we will learn how to communicate more effectively by understanding what the strokes of handwriting mean. Elaine guarantees that her presentation will leave us “rocking with laughter”.
    November 26, 2014:

    Building in Cambodia, Pat Moore
    CFUW’S own Pat Moore will be the guest speaker, sharing with us her presentation “Building in Cambodia: A Habitat for Humanity Global Villager Experience”. Pat was part of a team of volunteers for this build. Pat has volunteered for other builds in other countries. She likes to travel, meet the local people and make a difference in their lives.
    January 28, 2015:

    Taking Care of Business, Pat Kawamoto, Certified Financial Planner
    Pat is a former member of CFUW Brantford with extensive knowledge in finance, investments and organizational processes. Pat will provide us with a primer on key documents contacts and accounts that need to be available in case of emergency.
    February 25, 2015:

    Preventing and Responding to Violence against Women and Girls, Teri Shaw and Cheryl Hayles
    Information about a key CFUW initiative. Teri Shaw is the CFUW National contact for this initiative and Cheryl Hayes is CFUW contact for IFUW. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about preventing and responding to violence, locally, nationally and internationally and an excellent lead up to International Women’s Day.  
    March 25, 2015:

    Literacy Trends in Brant, Leslie Telfer, Superintendent of Education, Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk Catholic District School Board.
    Leslie will be sharing with us some information related to literacy trends in Brant.
    April 22, 2015:

    Stedman Community Hospice, Olga Consorti, President and CEO, St. Joseph’s Lifecare Foundation
    Olga will speak to us on the expansion of the Stedman Hospice and the mandate of its end-of-life care programme. Meeting location to be announced at a later date.
    May 27, 2015:

    Annual General Meeting and Banquet, 

    Brantford Golf and Country Club, 60 Ava Road
    Grand River Watershed 101, Joy O’Donnnell, Chair, Grand River Conservation Foundation
    The Grand River runs 300 km from near Dundalk to Lake Erie. Brantford relies on the Grand River for its water supply but more than that for many outdoor recreation opportunities that keep us active and healthy. Join us to discover the role GRCA plays in our Community and our lives.