Category Archives: Meetings

CFUW Brantford General Meeting January 24, 2018

CFUW General Meeting

January 24, 2018

Thorpe Carriage House

Meeting Starts at 7:30 p.m.

Topic: Bringing Horticultural Therapy to Stedman Community Hospice

Speaker: Lynn Leach

Lynn Leach is the Horticultural Therapist at the Stedman Community Hospice and just like many of us, Lynn has a passion for the garden.  She also loves working with people and has found that horticultural therapy is a perfect union of those two passions. The presentation will include before and after pictures of building the therapy garden, as well as information about the horticultural programs that are offered to residents.

November General Meeting: November 22, 2017

Topic: Be a BIG fish in a small pond: Brian Thompson, photographer


Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Meeting Starts at 7:30 p.m.

Brian will be sharing with members some of the highlights of his 31 years as a staff photographer at The Expositor and will touch on his personal ethics as they pertain to news photography.  Working at a smaller paper has provided him with some amazing opportunities that may not have come his way had he been working at one of the bigger urban dailies in Toronto or elsewhere.  Since 2006, he has garnered 11 Ontario Newspaper Awards, an achievement which is very personally rewarding to him.  Brian will also share some of his personal photography outside of work for The Expositor, and his involvement with the Brant Camera Club, of which he is the president.


Jodi-Lynn Waddilove speaks at Oct 25th meeting

October General Meeting

October 25, 2017

Doors open at 7:00 p.m.

Topic: Indigenous Education

Speaker: Jodi-Lynn Waddilove

Jodie-Lynn Waddilove will present a First Nations Woman’s Perspective on Indigenous Issues. Jodie-Lynn has served as legal councel for the Ministry of the Attorney General (On) for ten years. She is presently serving as Senior Legal Counsel on the Independent Street Checks Review with Justice Tulloch.

Program 2016-2017

Sept. 28    “Change a Life, Enrich Yours” – Carolyn Hudson, Founder/CEO, Mighty Oaks Global Initiatives.  Welcome Back Meeting will start at 6:30 p.m.   Join us for appetizers and socializing!

Oct.  26     “Brantford Airport – A Vital Part of Regional Transportation Infrastructure” – Heather McNally, General Manager, Brantford Municipal Airport and Brantford Flying Club

Nov. 23     Motivational Speaker/Litigation Lawyer – Jodie-Lynn Waddilove, Aboriginal Division of the Attorney General’s Office

Jan. 25      “Brantford Community Healthcare System Foundation and Women’s Health Issues” – Representative from BCHS Foundation and Guest Physician

Feb. 22      “Issues and Action: CFUW Resolutions Discussion” – CFUW Executive/Advocacy Committee

Mar. 22      “Rape Culture 101” – Terra Manuliak, Sexual Assault Centre Brant

Apr. 26      “What Can We do to Help the Bees?” – Paul Hoekstra, PHD

May 24      CFUW Banquet/AGM – Brantford Golf & Country Club – Well-known local author and retired infectious diseases specialist, Dr. Ross Pennie, will unveil his  newest  book.


CFUW Brantford Program Committee 2015/2016

September 23, 2015

“Feed your Passion”: Speaker – Lori Chisholm

Recently retired from teaching, Lori will describe how she seized the opportunity to feed her passion for food & travel.  Lori believes that many of life’s greatest memories are often associated with the combination of place and taste – and she
will share some of her best!

October 28, 2015

Creating an Age Friendly Community: Speaker – Kathy Poirier, Grand River Council on Aging

Life Transition Services – an Emerging Market: Speaker – Cindy Snider, Upstage B4 U Sell Cindy Snider provides professional staging services which help people to transition happily. She will describe her senior life transition services and why this
is a much needed emerging market.

November 25, 2015

Teaching Mothers to Teach: Speaker – Barbara Melara, CFUW Member

Barbara Melara will describe her recent humanitarian mission with Amorak Society, which seeks to educate children by educating mothers who, in turn, educate their own/neighbour children.

January 27, 2016

Five Oaks: Moving Into a Green Future: Speaker – Melissa Connor, Director Five Oaks

Five Oaks Education and Retreat Centre is taking bold, green & forward-thinking steps into the future by entering a dynamic partnership with Earthship, an eco-humanitarian organization. Melissa will describe the development of a new off-grid
retreat centre that is gentle to the earth and the spirit.

February 24, 2016

Airport Impact: Speaker – Heather McNally, General Manager Brantford Municipal Airport & Brantford Flying Club

After flying as a Commercial Pilot for 20 years, Heather McNally came to Brantford Municipal Airport August with a vision to take our airport to new heights. She will discuss the impact of the airport on the future development of Brantford
and the County of Brant.

March 23, 2016

Issues & Action – CFUW Resolutions Discussion: Advocacy Committee

This meeting will provide an opportunity for all members to become engaged in our CFUW resolutions process – our collective way of making a difference!

April 27, 2016

Building Community for the Deaf-Blind: Speaker – Cathy Proll, Executive Director, Canadian DeafBlind Association, Ontario Chapter

Cathy will speak about the organization’s latest project, an apartment complex for individuals who are deaf-blind – and provide a tour of the new premises.

(off-site option)

May 25, 2016 – Annual Meeting and Banquet at the Brantford Golf and Country Club:

Glenhyrst: Celebrating the Legacy: Speaker – Ana Olson, Manager, Glenhyrst Art Gallery

Reflecting on the legacy of Glenhyrst and how it echoes the history of Brantford and community. Contributions of CFUW members, particularly those of Mary Stedman, will be highlighted.

Annual Meeting May 2015