Category Archives: What’s new

Nova Vita celebrates International Women’s Day

Mark your calendars for Thursday March 6th and join us for Nova Vita Celebrates International Women’s Day 2025!
Featuring inspiring speakers, fantastic prizes, and set against the elegant backdrop of the Brantford Golf & Country Club, Nova Vita Celebrates International Women’s Day promises to be an unforgettable evening of joy, inspiration, and empowerment. Make a difference for women in your community and join us at this heartfelt celebration on Thursday March 6th.
Your ticket to this year’s event includes:

Cocktail reception with photo ops and access to the bountiful Silent Auction table and participant favourite Wine Wall
Three-course dinner from the award-winning Brantford Golf & Country Club
Caramelized Parsnip & Apple Bisque with cheddar crouton and herb oil, CHOICE OF Local Free Range Capon (pan seared chicken with lemon tarragon pan jus, glazed carrots and sour cream mash, baby beat and warm mushroom salad with herb oil) OR Celeriac Steak (hummus and pomegranate cucumber salad, fried paniesse and charred eggplant tomato chutney), Strawberry Swirl Cheesecake with fresh fruit and berry preserve.
$25 charitable tax receipt with your donation directly supporting essential shelter services
Fundraiser Purse which includes your entry to all fundraising games and contests during the evening
Exclusive swag bag filled with special gifts from Nova Vita and event partners
Individual and table purchases available. Doors open at 5PM with dinner and event beginning promptly at 6PM.

Individual: $160 | Table of 10: $1,600

Tickets available here.

Dining Out: Rangoli’s in Brantford

The Dining out Group likes to stay close to home in the winter months so we were delighted to learn about a new East Indian Restaurant in Brantford called Rangoli’s.  The colourful art on the wall is  joyful, as is the music.  The food was delicious (a few of us were grateful for a dish of yogurt to cool down the tandoori dishes)!  We recommend this restaurant for its good food, relaxed atmosphere, lovely setting and charming staff.

An author brings her own book, in Ukrainian!

It’s not often that a book club member gets to talk about their own book whose author copies just arrived the same day. And especially when that book is a new foreign language edition of a classic favourite. This is Monday lunch book group member Marsha Skrypuch and her most popular novel, Making Bombs for Hitler, but in the Ukrainian language edition — beautiful!

April speaker: Living an authentic life, Joan Grundy

Living an Authentic Life
Joan Grundy is a charismatic speaker and inspiring writer.She has addressed many groups in the areas of spiritual growth, educational leadership and wellness.  She has a Masters degree in Theological Studies and background in psychology and counselling.
Before her retirement, Joan was employed as a department head of religion and family studies at a local Catholic high school.  There she chose to counsel the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) students and to educate people about this issue.  In her thirties, she realized that she was gay but because of her Catholic upbringing and profession was not able to be authentic because she couldn’t live out her real sexual life in the confines of the Church.
This is a timely topic now with extreme groups objecting to schools offering support and resources to kids who are in the “sexual minority”.  I think Joan’s presentation should lead to some interesting discussion and thought.

Trivia Night!!!



First place: Mark Francombe, Mary Ann MacLennan, Sue Bouwer, John Pacsutta



Second place: Nancy Billard, Chris Smith, Richard Beales, David Judd
Third place: Dave Haylock, Scott Edwards Bob Hillier, Doug Malvern

The Dunsdon Legion was busy on the evening of Wednesday, February 7th with the sounds of 26 teams vying for the championship of our fifteenth Trivia Night.  The questions were just right and those present enjoyed the challenge.  At the end of 10 rounds, Team 8 was the winner and Teams 2 and 9 were tied. After a play-off round, Team 9 was victorious and took second place with Team 2 in third.

Barb Perry, and helpers, ran an another amazing sale of new/very gently used books, DVDs, CD, and puzzles and took in $244.00!

There were 24 Door Prizes, all donated  by members and they seemed very appealing (many were also very tasty looking!). This year we decided not to run a draw prize to save time, but it also affected the profit for the event. Our usual Heads or Tails game took in $229.60 and Mary Guillemette went home with a $100 gift certificate to The Keg compliments of Ted McCleister of McCleister Funeral Homes.

We also received $215 in donations.


At the end of the evening, everyone was invited to enjoy a slice of pizza donated by Dominos Pizza.  Dominos has supported us since the beginning, and we appreciate their generosity.  Please consider purchasing a pizza from them sometime in the next couple of months, to show your thanks.  As usual, the staff of the Dunsdon Legion was very friendly and accommodating!

Thank you to all who donated gifts, money, and time for our 2024 Trivia Night.

Our profit for the event was $2,539.89.

The Trivia Night Committee – Brenda, Colette, Dian and Lynn

Trivia Night


Please download and fill out the following registration form:

Trivia flyer web

Our contact address is not posted publicly for obvious reasons.

Please use the form below and we will email you instructions on emailing or snail mailing the form and $100 team payment, and answer any other questions you might have:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message