Interest Groups


Interest Groups continue to be an important part of belonging to CFUW with many members belonging to more than one group.  It is a wonderful way to socialize and get to know other members of the club. Most of the groups meet in person though some have opted for Zoom meetings.  During inclement weather and during the winter months, many groups meet via Zoom.

The Biking Group meets weekly from May until October, meeting for a ride around the Grand River Loop or on various trails in and around Brantford including nearby communities.  Rides are approximately 20 km, at a senior pace, with flexible dates and times.

The Walking Group meets weekly all year round, at a variety of trails, come rain or shine, with the Gretzky indoor track a backup as needed. Members often meet after the walk for coffee.

The Golf Group did not meet this season as there was no one to act as contact and organizer.  If group is to continue to be offered, it is necessary to have someone volunteer to be the contact and organizer.  Please let me know if you are willing to undertake that role.

There are three book groups: The Monday Afternoon Book Group meets monthly, in-person over a late lunch at a local restaurant. This group enjoys social conversation over lunch, then discusses a variety of books that they’ve read in the previous month.

Monday and Thursday Evening Book Groups meet on a monthly basis with members taking turns either hosting in their homes or leading the discussion.  Books are chosen by each group at the end of the previous year to allow everyone plenty of time to obtain and read the current month’s selection.   Books vary by genre and always spark interesting and dynamic discussions often veering off the actual book topic.   A great time is had by all.

Bridge Group plays online monthly with two games, one at 1:00 followed by a quick break, then a second one at 2:15. By playing on line, they were able to talk to each other and discuss the various plays at the end of each hand.

Creative Cooking Group  meet monthly, taking turns being hostess of the month. The hostess plans the menu and each participant picks one item from the menu to make and bring to the dinner. Cooking tips/challenges, great food, lively and meaningful conversation shared and enjoyed by all.

Dining Out Group enjoyed jaunts out of town to The Twisted Lemon, The Lake house, and The Ancaster Mill this fall.  Our holiday event was high tea at The Golden Teapot, further enhanced by the “feast” of Christmas lights at Glenhyrst.  During the winter months, we will dine locally and hope the roads are ice free: the new East Indian restaurant, Ranagoli, the much loved Olde School.  When the road conditions improve, we will venture out to West Plains, Quatrefoil, and Caroline Cellars, NOTL.  Dates and times of day for outings vary to ensure all the members can join in at least some of the time.  On average 12 – 16 members take part, enjoying delicious food and conversation.

Daytrippers Group kicked off the season in October with the Dundas Studio Tour and lunch at Bangkok Spoon. The Sanderson Centre was the venue for December with the English comedy O Christmas Tea and dinner at Hudson Public. There are many ideas and plans in the works for the upcoming new year including a visit to the Brantford Sanitation Site and a backstage tour of the Sanderson Centre.

Food with Thought Group meet monthly on the second Thursday, taking turns hosting and sharing delicious pot luck dinners and conversation, both serious and entertaining. From September through December they met, and not surprisingly both the US election and outcome provided much fodder for conversation.  A topic is not stated prior to the meal as current events, individual commentary, or some humorous event “pepper” the evening and results in serious reflection or hilarious story telling.

Games Group meets twice a month, the second Thursday and the fourth Monday at 1:30 p.m. playing both new and old games.  Games take place outdoors in good weather and indoors in members’ homes in the colder weather.

MahJongg Group meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month in their pursuit of learning the game of North America Mahjongg.   First wins, fun and friendships keep them coming back.

World Awareness Group meet son the third Monday morning of the month. The group suggests topics to discuss each month. Since September, they have shared information and their ideas on the current situation of Afghan Women as well as keeping hopeful after the election in U.S.  Often the discussions go on a totally different tangent, but they are always interesting. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn with your peers. The discussion in December focused on writers and cultural appropriation. The group expresses their thanks to McCleister Funeral home and the Fire Hall on Fairview Road for allowing their group to meet in their facilities without charge.

Respectfully submitted by Roma M, Interest Groups Chair

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