Respectful Treatment Policy


  1. CFUW Respectful Treatment Policy  

Every person can expect to be treated respectfully in CFUW. Every  member, employee, and volunteer has the responsibility to refrain from  participating in behaviour that is, or could be perceived to be,  disrespectful in nature.  

Statement of Commitment  

CFUW recognizes its responsibility to build and maintain a diverse,  respectful organization where all enjoy an environment in which the  dignity and self-respect of every person is valued and which is free of  offensive remarks, material or behaviour.  

We recognize that conflicts and disrespectful behaviour can jeopardize  an individual’s dignity, self-esteem and well-being and possibly  undermine our CFUW relationships, friendships and productivity.  

A truly respectful organization requires the cooperation and support  from each and every person in the organization. Everyone has a  responsibility to set a positive example and  



behave in a manner which will not offend, embarrass or humiliate  others, whether deliberate or unintentional.  

The principle of fair and respectful treatment is a fundamental one that  CFUW commits to uphold for its employees, members and those who  work with us. This same commitment must come from all our members,  employees, and volunteers. Together we can ensure that every individual  is treated respectfully and courteously.  

The procedures for respectful treatment are found under Organizational  Policies at 2. CFUW  Code of Ethical Behaviour  

Statement of Intent  

The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) places the  highest value on the integrity of its employees and members.  

The purpose of this document is to provide a Code of Ethical conduct  and procedure for CFUW stakeholders, all of whom are expected to  comply. The CFUW stakeholders are the CFUW members, staff and  volunteers.  


CFUW members, employees and volunteers are the stakeholders of this  code and the code applies to the actions of all stakeholders of the CFUW  organization in all circumstances and at every level of the organization.  

Any organizations or corporations that interface with CFUW will be  expected to exhibit similar ethical standards, and CFUW will seek  organizations and corporations of similar ethical standards with whom to  interface  

For the full text of the CFUW Code of Ethical Behaviour, please see  Respectful Organizations under Organizational Policies at https://  

  1. CFUW Respectful Treatment Procedures  

All members, staff and volunteers are expected to uphold the CFUW  Respectful Treatment policy. This procedure is written to provide  information on steps that may be taken to ensure that the policy is  followed within our organization. Failure to follow the policy may result  in the actions described below. The procedure is presented in sections to  address the different levels of operation in CFUW, but endeavours to  apply the same actions at each level. At all levels of dealing with 

disrespectful behaviour, it is important that they are done in a  confidential manner.  



There is a “Questions and Answers” section below which will help in  clarifying the policy and procedures around respectful treatment.  Although the wording for some of the questions has been formatted for  clubs, the content can apply to all levels of our organization.  

These procedures should not contravene any provincial legislation in  regard to subject. Appendix 1 contains is form that may be used to  document incidents of disrespect. When an instance of disrespectful  behaviour is identified:  

Section 1: At the Club Level  

  1. A verbal warning from the Club President or other designated  authority, in consultation with the club executive  
  2. A written warning from the Club President or other designated  authority, in consultation with the club executive  
  3. Withdrawing the membership of the individual or disallowing the  volunteer from working for the club. If this is done, it will be in  writing by the Club President or other designated authority, in  consultation with the club executive A report of the incident must  be sent to the appropriate next level in the organization as soon as  possible ( e.g. reports from clubs to RD and regional VP; regional/ provincial bodies to national president; national bodies to HR 


  1. In the case of the behaviour being that of the Club President, the  Club Executive may decide to take the above three steps.  
  2. Regional Directors and Regional Vice Presidents are available to  assist in this process.  
  3. If a person feels she/he has been wrongly accused of displaying  disrespectful behaviour  

as described in CFUW’s Respectful Treatment Policy, the  individual may request help from a Regional VP in resolving the  matter.  

Section 2: At the Regional/Provincial Council Level  

  1. The first three steps as described above may be used by the  President of the regional/provincial council with the reporting  being sent to national president. The HR Committee is available to  assist in this process.  
  2. In the case of the behaviour being that of the Regional/Provincial  President, the regional/provincial executive may decide to take the  first three steps listed in Section 1.  
  3. In the case of the behaviour being a member of a Regional/ provincial committee, the Chair of the committee may decide to  take the first three steps listed in Section 1. 
  4. If a person feels she/he has been wrongly accused of displaying  disrespectful behaviour as described in the CFUW‘s Respectful  Treatment Policy, the individual may request help from the HR  Committee.  

Section 3: At the National Board Level  

  1. The first three steps as described in Section 1 may be used by the  President of the Board with the reporting being sent to the HR  Committee.  
  2. The HR Committee is available to assist in this process.  



  1. In the case of the behaviour being that of the President, advice  should be sought from the Chair of the HR Committee and VP  Communications & Governance. They may decide to take the first  three steps listed in Section 1.  
  2. In the case of the behaviour being that of a member of a national  committee, the Chair of the committee may decide to take the first  three steps listed in Section 1.  
  3. In the case of the behaviour being a Chair of a national committee,  the VP to whom she reports may decide to take the first three steps 

listed in Section 1.  

  1. If a person feels she has been wrongly accused of displaying  disrespectful behaviour as described in the CFUW‘s Respectful  Treatment Policy, the individual may request help from the HR  Committee.  

An operational procedure for staff based on the same approach is  available in the Personnel Binder.  

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Questions and Answers 

  1. What is a respectful organization?  

A respectful organization is one that values:  

o diversity and the human rights of others related to their race, national  or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital status, family status,  any physical or mental disability and sexual orientation  

o the dignity of the person 

o courteousconduct 

o mutual respect, fairness and equality 

o positive communication between people o collaborative working  relationships  

  1. What is disrespectful behaviour?  

Disrespectful behaviour includes, but is not limited to the following:  

o offensive or inappropriate remarks, gestures, material or behaviour inappropriate jokes or cartoons including racial or ethnic slurs o grouping or isolating (example: on race or ethnic origin) o yelling or shouting 

o belittling 

o reprimanding in the presence of others 

o aggressive or patronizing behaviour 

o embarrassing or humiliating behaviour 

o discrimination as defined under human rights legislation o sexual harassment 

o damaging gossip or rumours 

o unwanted physical contact 

o covert behaviour, i.e. inappropriately withholding information,  undermining,  




  1. To whom does this policy apply?  

This policy applies to all club members, staff and volunteers. It applies  to club meetings as well as to activities connected with the club such as  travel, conferences, club related social gatherings and interest group  settings and the many forms of written and spoken interactions (e.g.  telephone calls ,emails). It applies to relationships and interactions  between members, staff, volunteers and the general public.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~  

Note: These following questions have been formatted for clubs, but  the content does apply to all levels of our organization.  

  1. How can club presidents and club executive ensure a respectful  organization? They can:  

o modelrespectfulbehaviour 

o recognize and value diversity in the organization

o create an environment that supports the resolution of respectful  organizational issues o inform club members and volunteers that the  organizational environment is one based  

on respect 


orientallmembersandvolunteerstotheorganizations’respectfultreatmentpo licy o monitor the club to ensure respectful behaviour is practiced  

  1. What are members’ responsibilities?  

o treat others with respect 

o set an example by respecting the dignity and human rights of all o recognize and refrain from actions that offend, embarrass or humiliate  others, whether  

deliberate or unintentional 

o raise the issue of disrespectful conduct with the person displaying it  or with a person in  

authority (club president) as soon as possible. If you witness  disrespectful behaviour you  

may wish to approach the individuals involved 

o do not make frivolous or vindictive allegations of disrespectful  behaviour 

o make every effort to resolve respectful treatment issues, where  possible, in an informal  


  1. What is a club president’s responsibility if an issue arises?  

A club president or designated authority, in consultation with the club  executive, is responsible to take action immediately upon becoming  aware of any situation involving disrespectful behaviour. She will: 

o recognize and address actions that offend, embarrass or humiliate  others, whether deliberate or unintentional  

o treat each situation as a serious matter  



o manage the situation towards a resolution between the parties if  possible, with a view to correcting behaviour and preserving long term  relationships  

o safeguard against further incidents 

o providesupporttomembers/volunteerswhoareexperiencingtheeffectsof  

disrespectful behaviour 

o consultwiththeregionalRD/ 


  1. What are the roles of the regional VP?  

Regional VPs in concert with the regional RDs have the following  responsibilities:  

o promote awareness of CFUW’s Respectful Treatment Policy o consult with and provide advice to club presidents 

o receive complaints from club presidents and ensure appropriate action  is initiated o conduct investigations, as required 

o work collaboratively with others involved  

  1. What should you do if you are accused of disrespectful  behaviour?  

o attempt to resolve the situation by listening and trying to understand  the concern

o be open to the other person’s perspective. For example, something  which you consider  

to be humorous might be offensive to someone else 

o consider the impact of your actions on the other person o be willing to make reasonable changes that could make a difference.  Often a sincere  

apology and a commitment to refrain from disrespectful behaviour is  sufficient to  

resolve the situation in an informal manner 

o if necessary, seek assistance from your regional VP to mediate the  issue. o keep your involvement and nature of the complaint confidential  

  1. What can you do if you are treated in a disrespectful manner?  

Every situation is unique, but whenever possible, informal resolution of  an issue as soon as possible is preferable. At all levels of dealing with  disrespectful behaviour, it is important that these dealings are done in a  confidential manner.  

Informal Process – Level 1 to 3  

Level 1  

Be proactive. Try to resolve the problem on your own. Do not wait until  a recurrence or assume the problem will go away. Approach the  member/volunteer who made you feel uncomfortable, explain how it  affected you and ask them to stop. Do this calmly, respectfully, and in  confidence. Often, a club member/volunteer may not be aware that her  or his behaviour is offensive, and most will change the behaviour once  they are aware of the problem. If another  



club member/volunteer approaches you regarding an issue of respect,  careful listening, respectful discussion and honesty will often lead to a  resolution.  

Level 2  

If you have attempted to resolve the problem without success or if you  are not comfortable addressing the problem on your own, discuss the  problem and possible solutions with your club president. If the problem  is with the club president, contact one of the club executive members.  Confidentiality considerations should be discussed and agreed upon.  

Level 3  

If for any reason you are unable to discuss the problem with your club  president or club executive, other avenues are available to help you  resolve the problem. You may contact your regional RD. In the case of  the other levels of CFUW, go to your immediate higher in the chain of  command. Whether a formal or informal process is used, members are  encouraged to take notes which reflect, as much as possible, the dates,  times, nature of the behaviour, any witnesses, and what was done. These  notes will be useful for anyone assisting in resolving the problem.  

What is involved in a formal process?  

It is hoped that most complaints can be resolved between the parties  involved, with subsequent monitoring by the club president and club  executive to ensure that there is no recurrence. However in situations  

where allegations are denied, an investigation may be required. An  investigation generally includes the following:  

o interviewing the person who has raised the concern 

o interviewing witnesses 

o meeting with the person alleged to have acted disrespectfully to  present the complaint 

and hear the response determining the facts 

o maintaining confidentiality amongst the individuals involved and  within management o providingfindingstothenationalHRCommittee o  

recommendinganappropriateresponse,whichmayincludedisciplinaryactio n  

  1. What support is available to VPs, RDs and Committee Chairs?  

The Human Resources Committee may provide support and can be  contacted through the National Office.  

  1. How should a club president or other designated authority  communicate with the individual raising the concern and the person  alleged to have committed the disrespectful behaviour?  

She will communicate with the individual raising the concern by:  

o listeningandtakingtheissueseriously o discussing the process to be  followed  



o directing the individual to keep the matter confidential o informing and supporting the individual throughout the process o informing the individual of the investigative findings and actions  taken by the club,  

ensuring the situation is documented appropriately (see Appendix 3 for  the form). She will communicate with the person alleged to have  committed the disrespectful behaviour by:  

o informing the person of the complaint 

o giving them an opportunity to respond to the allegations discussingtheprocesstobefollowed

o directing them to keep the matter confidential 

o informing the person throughout the process 

o informing the person of the outcome of the investigation  13. Are complaints kept confidential?  

Club presidents and executive will keep the details of a complaint  confidential to the best of their ability. However, confidentiality does not  mean anonymity because witnesses may be involved.  

  1. What if a club member/volunteer makes a false allegation?  

If the investigation proves that the complaint was deliberately made for  frivolous or vindictive reasons, the club member/volunteer making the  false allegation is subject to action as decided by the club president or  designated authority in consultation with the club executive. This does  not apply to complaints made in good faith but which are not proven.  

  1. Disrespectful Incident Form – See Appendix Three  Responsible:  


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